In this work, we will address three issues; and its possible impacts in the coming decade.
● La pandemia y el desarrollo humano
● El Mar Argentino
○ relación con Uruguay
○ disputa con China
● Cambio Climático
The pandemic and human development
As at the national level, one of the biggest challenges facing our country deals with the pandemic, and the effects will be seen in the development of human and technological.
As human development is referred to as the process in which a society, from economic development, improvement of the integral of the living conditions of its members. In this sense, human development means not only that individuals have the resources sufficient to cover their basic needs, but also to have access to the systems of health and education, adequate levels of security staff, full political freedoms and cultural, as well as the ability to cultivate their interests and develop their potential productive and creative, among other things.
In this way, human development also means quality of life, active participation in the decisions that affect our environment, opportunities to develop to the best of our abilities and respect for human rights and the dignity of life.
The combined impact of these shocks could lead to a decline unprecedented in the levels of human development.
The forecasts suggest that the fall of the human development will be much higher in developing countries who have the least means to manage the social and economic effects of the pandemic that other richer countries.
In the education sector, with the closure of schools and the deep gaps in the access to the online learning, the UNDP estimated that 86% of primary school-aged children are out of school in countries with a low human development, compared with 20% in countries with a very high human development. However, with more equitable access to the Internet the inequalities existing in the field of education may decrease.
The adoption of interventions determined and focused on equity can promote the reaction of economies and societies to achieve mitigate the profound effects of the pandemic of COVID-19.
The importance of fairness is reflected in the Framework of the United Nations response to socio-economic immediately before the crisis of COVID-19, which establishes criteria of reference of basic to good governance, ecological, and gender equality. Recommend five steps to deal with the complexity of the crisis:
● proteger los sistemas y servicios sanitarios;
● mejorar la protección social;
● proteger los empleos, las pequeñas y medianas empresas y los trabajadores del sector informal;
● políticas macroeconómicas que beneficien a todos;
● y promover la paz, la buena gobernanza y la confianza para reforzar la cohesión social.
The Argentine Sea; its challenges and disputes
Argentina has big challenges ahead of us related to the sea. One of them is to ensure the enactment of the national law, which set the outer limits of our continental shelf, which will allow to exercise our sovereign rights set forth therein.
In another order, the enactment of the Law 26.651 on the map bicontinental argentine, urges you to make a change on the way we see our country. Our territory is not limited to the classical figure territorial on the american continent, but that it extends over a vast maritime space, the islands of the South Atlantic, and is projected to and integrates with the Antarctic.
Another, is the search for consensus to arrive at the solution more intelligent that involves the conservation of fishery resources and their rational exploitation in the area adjacent to the Exclusive Economic Zone of argentina.
En el ámbito de la gestión del conocimiento, debemos seguir la creación de nuevas áreas marinas protegidas, impulsando además la investigación científica marina propia, con el objetivo de conocer nuestras aguas, para conservarlas y protegerlas, asegurando la sustentabilidad de sus recursos y la consecuente resiliencia de los océanos. En esta línea, la presencia de buques oceánicos presenta un desafío.
The greater part of the foreign trade of our country circulates in the maritime and river routes. Despite this, our merchant marine is very low. Although it requires immense efforts to be able to possess a merchant marine flag that can take our products to the rest of the world.
In the year 2017 was signed into Law 27.418 to establish a system of incentive and promotion of ship-building national, little progress has been made in the development associated to all the sector of the marine industry.
Argentina should be imposed on the goal of returning to build their own ships, to stop a large extent dependent on foreign media. To develop and enhance our shipbuilding industry, not only enable us to meet the necessary requirements of a fleet of its own, but also recover progressively the public and private development of a strategic sector fundamental to contribute to increase the employability and to promote a sustained progress in industrial and domestic enterprise. None of these challenges will be resolved in the short term.
Relationship with the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
Argentina can't control the illegal fishing vessel chinese in the South Atlantic, and that favors their investment to take the natural resources, economic and labour of the country. Uruguay, for his part, facilitates the operations of these illegal vessels in their ports, and promotes, the investments of chinese in this country, understanding, that this Republic can offer to China to be the “HUB” (Regional Center) input of your products and services to the region and its approach to the Mercosur.
The fish chinese come for our resources, which must be protected and preserved, a regional cooperation would facilitate the effort.
You should be able to work with concerted policies of common interest, in order to face the great challenges of international trade and to achieve the well-being of their peoples and to achieve the intelligent defence of the region, in contrast to the sustained progress of the great global powers that have transformed the military invasion in colonization, economic and financial.
Neither Argentina or Uruguay can provide you with the “HUB” to China; not to be, that they are resigned to become mere colonies for the extraction of their resources without value-added, rather than industrial countries of products of excellence, technology transfer, and knowledge, in environments sustainable and safe.
The imbalances of the region have to do with the lack of agreement between the two countries on the use of the common waters; the use of the ports and the design of the navigation channels; the trade common maritime and inland; the utilisation of the fishery resources in the Area Common to both countries agreed in 1973; the export of products of certified quality river plate; the exchange of goods and services; the combat of illegal chinese, Spanish, Korean, taiwanese and british in the South Atlantic, in Malvinas, Georgias del Sur and Sandwich del Sur.
Challenges to promote future cooperation with Uruguay, and the care of the fisheries and the Common Area:
● Consolidar una unión indisoluble de vecinos con una historia y cultura común
● Actuar en forma sinérgica en las cuestiones económicas y geopolíticas, de cara al mundo, de ocupación del Atlántico Sudoccidental, de tránsito al Pacífico y vínculo antártico
● Combatir la pesca ilegal en sus mares.
● Cuidar las ZEE, en su explotación, el transporte, la tecnología, el desarrollo portuario y general;
● Evitar las prácticas ilegales realizadas por los chinos; explotación irracional y sin control; la depredación; el descarte de especies; la captura de juveniles.
● Protección del ecosistema de ambos países en cuestión.
Dispute with China by illegal fishing
Chinese finance in Argentina:
● la base espacial de Neuquén manejada por el Ejército Popular de China;
● la construcción de un observatorio lunar en San Juan,
● el desarrollo de un polo logístico en Tierra del Fuego
● las eventuales obras de dragado en la Hidrovía de 1.300 kilómetros que transportan el 80% de las exportaciones de granos de la Argentina.
Chinese interests in Argentina, which include the exploitation of mines of gold, iron, copper, and lithium; wind farms and solar, gas pipelines, power lines and fiber-optic; railways, oil and gas and nuclear energy. Is ready to be signed, an agreement for the establishment of farms producing pigs.
In terms of infrastructure, Argentina was the priority destination for chinese investments in South america and the Caribbean over the past fifteen years. In addition, we are currently considering the possibility that chinese companies engaging in the dredging of the so-called “Waterway”, natural corridor of river transport along the Paraguay and Paraná rivers that serves the southern cone of the continent, which could turn out to be its most significant presence in those latitudes.
In relation to trade, more than half of argentine exports correspond to soy. In regard to imports from China, they are mainly electronic products, mechanical and chemicals. Obviously, Argentina represents a tiny part of his trade to China.
The Waterway, and lithium
In the first case, under the pretext of “national sovereignty”, the national government is moving forward with a nationalization of part of the Paraná-Paraguay Waterway, looking for the General Administration of Ports is with the collection of tolls. In the meantime, was extended so precarious the concession current, expired in April. The chinese company Shanghai Dredging Company had serious intentions to participate in the new tender, but very difficult to do in these new conditions.
On the other hand, the Institute Homeland, pushing through your legislators a project of nationalization of the industry of lithium. This created alarm in the provinces of the NOA are the owners of this strategic mineral, but also in China, with several companies currently operating in the region and plans to continue to expand investments. Linked not only to the extraction of the mineral, but also to electro mobility.
For Argentina, the lack of strategy and trends interventionist in economic policy are the main causes of currently be damaging even the relationships that supposedly wants to preserve and enhance, as is the case of China.
There are, however, some foci typical of litigation. The main, the one corresponding to the activity of the fish chinese in the Exclusive Economic Zone of argentina (EEZ).
Impact of climate change in the country
In the last few decades, and in everyday life, one of the central axes of the public discussion, especially at the international level, was that of sustainability. The central idea of sustainable development is that current decisions should not affect the possibility of maintaining or improving the quality of life of future generations. The axis is placed on the health of ecosystems and the use of natural resources and, on the social level, there is a general consensus, it is necessary to generate public policies that promote sustainable development.
The problem, and the challenge, is that this consensus is in contradiction with a reality that shows a progressive and sustained deterioration of the environment field.
The greatest challenges that we face;
● En primer lugar, a las consecuencias de actividades extractivas. Podemos incluir ejemplos relacionados con la explotación minera, los monocultivos y la explotación desmedida del suelo y la pesca a gran escala.
● En segundo lugar, se agrupan las problemáticas derivadas de la actividad económica típicamente industrial y de la aglomeración urbana.
● En tercer lugar, el cambio climático, uno de los grandes desafíos globales de nuestro siglo.
These three groups of threats require them to think in coordinated efforts and actions integral to the thinking time effective solutions, both from civil society and from the State.