Impact of Chinese competition-the united States in Argentina – Agustina Eugenia Castro

According to what is stated in the previous work on this second point theme, it could be concluded that:

Due to the context of rivalry in the global and multifaceted between the people's Republic of China and the united States of America, the challenge for the Latin american region, and particularly for the Argentine Republic, is to face the dilemma of how to position itself in such a situation, assessing risks, opportunities, costs and benefits that such a decision would entail.

On the basis of such reflection, the next proposal to have a single line of general action for the subsequent formulation of public policies around the impact of competition sinoestadounidense in Argentina, especially focused on the aspect of a diplomat.

Title of the proposal: Pragmatism and openness of the foreign policy of argentina

Taking into consideration the point of impact of transition of power (1), and also recognizing the importance of areas of uncertainty relating to the adaptation to the rules-based international system (11), the increase in the competition for global common goods (12) and an increase in the level of international competition (13), the objective of this proposal is to achieve a relationship outside with the two powers of the efficient and strategic in the short, medium and long term.

To achieve this goal, presents the next line of action, in three points, as the best potential path forward:

• The development of a model of diplomacy and politics (exterior), argentina is characterized by its pragmatism and intelligence, and that is inserted into a long-term strategy is the most appropriate way forward for our country. Of course, this model should not compromise or jeopardize the ideals and national interests; instead, you should be able to be a framework that helps to Argentina to have a direction for the future to be able to negotiate, in different areas, so strategic to the united States of America as with the people's Republic of China. Being realistic, recognizing our situation of dependence and relative inferiority to the two powers most relevant to the current international system, the Republic of Argentina must seek efficiency by over ideological differences, and historical, that she could be with both partners. It is clear that Argentina should continue to maintain bilateral relations with both countries, China and the united States, taking into account that represent the major investors and importers, being so, the most important trade partners for the country at present.

• However, it has also discussed some political mistrust, still present in the relationships argentine-american, in order to consider new ways of relating between the two, leading to a better and enriching link, so you can not damage the relations with this country because of their relevance and power persist. The couple, should continue to strengthen and develop the various relations with the people's Republic of China, which increasingly influences more on the international stage – and in the region – and which may also be projected as the next great actor from which will define the international order. In the long term, the people's Republic will increase more and more of its preponderance in the region; in fact, thanks to their projects of national economic (especially the New Silk Route), it is estimated that by 2050 China will assume the position of the main world power. Because of this, being that China maintains friendly and important commercial relations with Latin America, Argentina, you can take advantage of its benefits. Since 1972, Argentina and China have a link bilateral absence of conflict or tensions relevant, so that, at the diplomatic level, the relationships can be strengthened. This could be a pragmatic balance between the positions to take with both powers.

• Taking into account what has been proposed, it's worth mentioning that it is of vital importance to ensure the interests and national values at all times, which in no way should be made subject to conditions, for example, reprimarización economic in case of deepening the bilateral relations with the asian power.

Reconstruction of the public trust

Company argentina: distrust politicians/political apathy, polarization, and (re)configuration of identities – Agustina Eugenia Castro

Given the analysis in the previous work on this last point, thematic, could not be reached at the following conclusion:

Taking as a reference the central aspects of the last general election in our country (Primary, Open, Simultaneous, and Obligatory, in September and the general election is developed in mid-November, both in the year 2021) – such as rates of citizen participation and blank votes and invalid, in addition to the models of management of a political campaign – the challenge for the proper governance of the Republic of Argentina is to understand various issues that make the electorate and, on this basis, to assess not only the electoral performance but also the efforts of government and project into the future possible changes after the health and vitality of democracy in argentina.

On the basis of this idea, the proposal presented below is made up of several lines of action for the subsequent formulation of public policies about the kind of society in argentina.

Proposal title: Reconstruction of the public trust

Taking into consideration the point of impact of human empowerment (2) and the areas of uncertainty relating to the management of demographic change (3), the increase in inequality and social fragmentation (5) and the deterioration of the authority of the State (7), the aim of this proposal focuses on the strengthening of argentina's democracy, from the understanding of sociological issues of citizenship-electorate of our country and of specific actions for the recovery of the lost trust of the latter with respect to the political system and, fundamentally, of the rulers and politicians of the argentines.

With the aim of achieving this goal, we propose the following lines of action:

• Beyond the turnout at the polls every two years, may give impetus and encouragement of citizen participation on the different mechanisms of democratic initiatives and consultations, same with the referendums, – in the various levels of government, and according to what is established in the National Constitution, with the aim of encouraging respect for the institutions of our democracy and the feeling of inclusion in the decision of everyday decisions that affect the lives of millions of people.

• The promotion of more and better political debates outside of instances of traditional power, such as the National Congress or the provincial legislatures, and their conditions of transparency and efficiency, as instance for citizens to continue getting to know their leaders and learning about the political projects that are or purport to carry on, within a context that ensures the exchange of ideas, respectful, and truly public.

• In the fight against corruption, you must ensure transparency in all actions of government and at all levels, assuming serious commitments of accountability of which citizenship can keep track.

• The sanction to the national level, the law of clean record, and in compliance with the purpose to avoid that those who are convicted for crimes of corruption may be candidates or candidates for elective public office, or national or may be designated for positions supporters.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, as is notorious, the proposals presented to throughout this paper contain some lines of action which are very novel and special. Understanding that these issues should be addressed from the general to the particular, they must first take hold of the issues identified as steps to follow to then give way to greater complexities. If in the planning of public policies not manage to consolidate the essential aspects of each trend strategic and verify their true progress, it will be even more difficult to move forward on the many other peculiarities that characterize the topics covered.