Impact and adaptation to technological change and the future of work in Argentina – Sebastian Luirette Woods
This work has as objective to present a series of proposals within the scope of the technological changes and the future of work in the Republic of Argentina, with the ultimate aim of which serve as the starting point for the implementation of public policies that will lead to a better and effective adaptation in the field of retraining of the coming decades.
Guidelines for retraining
As we have mentioned in the job base, “...This fourth industrial revolution represents a new paradigm in the development of the work force, as it means a fundamental change in the workforce.”
This progressive adoption of new technologies in order to automate the almost complete the production process not only affects the employees less remunerative but also to those employees means in areas more professionalized. The dynamics faced by both the businesses as well as workers and the states is such that it poses a huge challenge for the adaptation of policies in pursuit of a transition as more pragmatic and feasible as possible.
To this end we have carried out a number of recommendations and lines of action to be taken into account with the purpose of adapting to the country for a possible change of paradigm.
Lines of action:
Taking into account that technological unemployment will affect primarily those workers with a low or intermediate vocational training, it is essential to plan for an education that is infiltrating the new technological changes to allow new generations to a greater familiarity with the same. You will need to adjust the education system to the technological needs and retrofit the skills of the future workforce to prepare them in a framework of purely digital.
That is why it is necessary to have a greater stimulation in so-called STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), by optimizing the skills and potential of the students through an educational system that emphasizes creativity and critical thinking and systematic way that stimulates an adaptive learning.
This new educational training must be based on the capabilities, knowledge, skills, and attributes potential to raise at the job as the fundamental axis for obtaining a dignified income.
Improve digital training, adopting a strategy at all levels of education. Offer different competencies refer to skills and knowledge necessary and fundamental to the fields of professional and labor.
The scan should be the main engine that takes education to the next level as this will serve as the central axis in the territories, labour and social in the coming decades. That is why you are in need of new cognitive skills. Also the techniques related to the field professional and labour of the work. The cross, that every time I cover a larger spectrum of actions, and more complex. Those related to the social, relational, and interpersonal. Those of managing the technology and the work, both of himself and of others, and entrepreneurship.
It is necessary to keep betting on the digital content in the advanced education in order to minimize the various risks that you will face in their careers and in a scenario that is becoming increasingly competitive and technology.
It is also important that future employees understand and understand the risks and threats that these technologies have if they are not used with the necessary care, such as loss of privacy, misinformation, and manipulation of data.
Greater coordination between the private sector and the public administration
Greater synergy between the political state and the market can serve as a catalyst for the implementation of public policies more effective and give more value to the demands of the sectors of business and technology.
For example, the education system will be more likely to carry out programs relevant and quality if there were channels of communication assets and better harmony between the private and the academic institutions.
Major tax incentives
Through tax benefits and other types of incentives, it is possible to encourage companies to invest in a greater amount of human capital, not only in regard to the creation of new jobs, but also in the learning of the new workers that would mitigate the effects of early retraining. This will not only stimulate the creation of jobs, but it would also accelerate the creation of digital works, as well as wage growth, reducing the impact of the so-called unemployment technological.
Universal Basic Income
Although there is still debate about the benefits and considerations of this implementation can not stop to consider this type of income in the event that the total automation or part of the work is completed leading to an exponential increase in unemployment and therefore in a higher pressure on wages.
Other recommendations to be taken into account:
Other public policies to adopt, they can come from digitization-focused companies and their workers, as well as to future employees and current unemployed. It is suggested to develop public policies that are active in the area of employment that they are attentive to the digitization, including in the field of education (at all levels and in continuing training), job in itself, of business competence and social security.
In the first place, it must take measures in order to promote the digitization of enterprises, in particular Smes, which require supports to adapt to change and become competitive, thanks to digitization and the potential of Icts provide opportunities to enhance the productivity.
This also requires the internal restructuring of the jobs and the training of the employers. There arises another initiative: promoting the formation and training of the workers in skills needed for a competent use of the technology. The scanning conditions the current jobs and will provide even more the future, therefore, the workers should be the first to be formed in the TICs. To guarantee the opportunity, it is necessary that everyone can acquire the skills needed, either by companies or by the educational system, or other social agents. Likewise, we must give special attention to those groups whose occupations are more exposed to automation or presented greater challenges in their adaptation.
In the field of business, should be guaranteed competitive environments in technology and digital, to promote the dynamism and innovations, while avoiding the barriers of entries to new or small businesses.