1. Climate change management
The management of climate change is more expensive and increases in complexity with the passage of time, requiring solutions in the array of power generation, the investment in processes of reversal for the absorption of carbon dioxide and the management of the environments, inland waterway, sea and antarctic among other aspects. The measures are having an impact on the production models, practices, patterns of international cooperation and policy frameworks in security and defence.
2. Increased demand and competition for resources
The population growth and the level of life will demand more resources and will increase the competition for obtaining a global and national level. Uneven growth can limit the access to communities with the greatest difficulties to adapt to change and create a challenge for the governance and the national contribution to the international system. Excluded communities can generate protests and disturbances to the national security that limit the ability to achieve well-being in harmony you want. The impact of the competition for natural resources will be able to demonstrate with greater intensity on those required for the development of new technologies related to energy, water and in the marine environment, whether in the courts or in the global commons of sea, and in the Antarctic, posing a challenge to the national governance that puts in evidence the need to combine the solution of problems of short-term with a look of long-term.
3. Management of demographic change
The increase of the young populations may increase the internal migration from rural areas to the cities in search of work, fueling the unplanned urban growth, in particular in peripheral neighborhoods to areas of lower resources and lead to increased demands for effective leadership to address the social fragmentation and mass protests. At the same time may require the efforts of social security systems and citizen to avoid situations of insecurity and the growth of organized crime.
4. Employment and labor force
The incorporation of technologies will continue to create new challenges for join the labour market, demanding new models of education, management, leadership, and work practices that include the assessment of the sustainability of the health systems and retirement partners, with a view to greater competition from the private activity on the state level.
5. Increasing inequality and social fragmentation
The different rate of decrease of inequality in a global and national level can lead to the loss of social cohesion and fragmentation by promoting lines of instability and suing the State for further promotion of human security, it poses a challenge for the governance that might involve the need to review the organization of the State and the adaptation to achieve the development and the national well-being.
6. Growing threat of organized crime
There is a strong link between violence and extremism, corruption, organized crime, and State fragility, combine the networks of organized crime global with the national feeding and connecting the areas of conflict, it is a challenge for the governance to promote sustainable development with social harmony and protection of the national interests.
7. Deterioration of the authority of the State
Compared to the speed of change, uncertainty and the growing demands of the population, and the dispute with private provision of public services, increases the demand for adaptation of the State to align the objectives of the organizations, the ability to work cooperatively with large number of players diversified and respond to the expectations of the communities in a productive way.
8. Increase the value of the information
The growth and importance of the information, with a small portion of this domain is under control, you can increase the disinformation and radicalization of opinions at the global level and local level, promoting the demand for new international regulations and national level to respond to the challenges posed by the use and opportunities for the management of the data, including defense against cyber-attacks and an approach to government integrated and cooperative throughout the State.
9. Management of technological change
The impact of technological changes in the culture and the challenging predictions about the interaction, diversity and acceleration, increase the demand interdisciplinary approach to ensure interoperability, the effective leadership of the change, investment in research and development and the promotion of adaptation to patterns of functioning public-private. This includes improving the understanding of their impact on the human improvement and the enlargement of its limits, as the generation of new values in the society. In this sense, it is significant to the role of artificial intelligence and its expansion to new areas, where the speed of adoption will be affected by the culture, governed by the policy and affected by commercial developments.
10. Challenge of the feasibility
To an expectation of limited growth of the argentine economy increases the challenge of establishing priorities for the use of the financial resources of the State, by adjusting the claims of growth and orientation of the investments.
11. Adaptation to the rules-based international system
The order rapidly changing international generates new practices and norms which in themselves are not always identified as being of strategic interest to strengthen national governance. There is an increase in the demand-oriented management of government to understand the role of Argentina in the concert global, accept the reality, and adapt their decisions to gain freedom of action and to promote the development, while minimizing the political risk that produce the decisions of government.
12. Increased competition for global common goods
The growth of the global population and the quality of life, increase progressively the dependence on and competition for global common goods and the demand for improvement of the governance of the international and national levels to ensure the access and exploitation of present and future. It is relevant to the marine environment by the argentine interests in the sea, and the Antarctic as areas of strategic interest which persists in the conflict with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the Malvinas, Georgias and South Sandwich, and its waters corresponding, which amounted to thirty-three percent of the area of national jurisdiction, affecting the exploitation of resources, the protection of strategic assets in the marine environment and the connection with Antarctica.
13. Increase in the scope of the competition international
Increased competition among states and other actors as a result of changes in the balance of international power to visualize the expansion of the scope where it is manifested that competition and the increase in intrastate conflicts with a limit diffuse between war and peace, and the growing demand of lasting partnerships, with particular relevance to the maritime antarctic and by the increase of the jurisdictions in the state on the sea, and the conflict with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a challenge for the governance to adapt the concepts, standards and practices for the national defense.